On the off chance that you need to add the photo to MP3 tune from your android portable then this post for you. The name of this android application is “Pimp My Music”. This “Pimp My Music” android application can include the photo in any sound documents or any mp3 records from any Android gadget.

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Features of Pimp My Music – Tag Editor Pro

*Fix your music library on your phone.
* Music player
* LRC Karaoke style lyrics scrolling/highlighting support (LRC format must be pasted into the lyrics field) (Beta)
* Edit Id3 tags in MP3, OGG, FLAC, MP4, M4A, M4P, M4B, WAV, RA, RM, MPGA and WMA audio files.
* Auto fetch missing album covers.
* Search and save album covers/art from Google images (finds the images for rare albums).
* Add album covers from sdcard.

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Download Pro Version from Google Play