A couple of days back Mr. Biswajit Das the originator of The Mental club has posted an article the name of this article is “Don’t read, now hear the books”. In This article Mr. Biswajit says that it is an android application. In the event that you download this application, at that point you hear your PDF EBook without perusing. It is the most recent Facility of the android application. In the event that you like perusing then this application gives you a brilliant possibility.

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Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) is considered as a perfect Bengali essayist. Rabindranath Tagore is Bengali Writer, artist, Song Composer and Nobel proprietor for writing. He got Novel prize for “Gitanjali” in 1913. He composed two national melodies from India and Bangladesh, stall nations. Additionally, he composed such a significant number of tunes, stories, lyrics, Novels and so on. Be that as it may, Dena Paona is viewed as his one of the Greatest Story in everywhere throughout the world. It is taken from ‘GalpoGuchho’.

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