Features of QPST Flash Tool
QPST Flash Tool comes as a installer application, which means in order to use the application you have to install it on your computer.
QPST Configuration
It allows you to monitor the status of active devices, available serial ports and active clients. QPST Configuration can be used on other QPST clients.
Service Programming
It allows you to save the service programming data to file and flash the same service programming file on multiple devices.
Software Download
It allows you to Flash stock firmware (rom) on any Qualcomm smartphone and Tablets. It also allows you to backup and restore nonvolatile (NV) memory contents.
RF Calibration
It allows you to access the Qualcomm Device NV items which controls the RF usage. This features only works with SURF and FFA devices, it may not work on other device models.
Inbuild QFIL Flash Tool
QPST Flash Tool comes with the inbuilt QFIL Flash Tool, which also allows you to Flash Stock Firmware on Qualcomm smartphone and Tablets.