If you have a Windows Phone then ERROR-CODE-80073CF9 is one of the most common error that you will find. This error code occurs mostly in Windows 8.1 and above versions. This error occurs when you try to install apps from the app store. For those who have installed Windows 8.1 will encounter this problem a lot and if you one of them who is getting the same error code, then there is nothing to worry about.
I had got the same problem in 2 of my Windows smartphones that is Lumia 735 & Lumia 630. So I tried many different methods to solve this issue and came with two successful methods that help you to get rid of Windows Phone error code 80073cf9.
Before you start solving this Windows Phone error, don’t forget to take the backup.
Note: This is Windows Phone error, not PC error that is 0x80073cf9
Method 1:
When nothing works, then you should go with “hard reset.” Your phone works as new when you do the hard-reset.
How To Hard Reset Your Phone:
Go to Settings -> About-> Reset
Once you tap on reset your phone will take some time. After the reset is done successfully follow the steps given below and then try to download apps.
- Go to the Windows app store
- Go to Setting
- Turn on Location
Once you are done with this, try to download the app.
Method 2:
In this method, we will do the soft reset. To do that just follow the basic steps given below.
Go to Settings->Tap on storage sense->temporary files-> delete
Once you have done with this, then try to download the app.
If in case you are still not able to download apps from your Windows app store, then you can go for some alternative methods.
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Alternative Method:
Error Code 80073cf9 can also occur when you or someone has mismatched the time. To do that just follow the.
- Go to Settings
- Tap on Date+Time
- Go to “Set date and time automatically.” Note: Enable to Manually and set the time accordingly.
Once done, you can now go back to your Windows app store and try downloading apps.
If you have any other problems, then feel free to ask in the comment below.
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