In this era where almost hundreds of messaging applications and software are used, Telegram is probably the most popular one among them. Being a user-friendly software, telegram is not only a freeware application but also provides lots of features including the access of unlimited private and public groups to users.

Telegram has a distinctive element of supporting a chat group that can allow the participation of up to 200,000 members at a time. This is one of the reasons why telegram is well-liked among various teams and business organizations as it helps them to share and coordinate their work on telegram discussion groups more smoothly through sharing files, documents, links, media, and other stuff. 

There are all kinds of groups available on telegram related to almost every field of interest for various group discussions that are open to all users.

Telegram groups are kind of helpful for those who like to have group discussions on their interested topics as this provides them a spot to share their opinions as well as get informed on their subject matter. However, sometimes it is kind of difficult to find a group in a telegram application as the group’s links do not easily appear to be visible. Below are the few easiest ways to get to the public and private telegram group.

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Find Any Groups on Telegram and Join 2021

Assuming that you already have a Telegram account, you need to know a basic thing that there are two ways to join a group on telegram. It is either let it come to you or you go there. Didn’t get that?! It means exactly as it says. 

1. Get an invitation link:

The first way is that you get an invitation link that invites you to join the group. This mostly happens in the case of private groups. For example, if you want to join a telegram group that is created by your friend, you can simply ask him/her to send you the group link.

Once you get an invite link to the telegram group, click on it and an option for joining the group will appear. Click on the “Join Group” and you will be added to the group. 

2. Using the search tab:

The second way is to search the group from the search tab or through various telegram channels. Type the most common keyword or the title of your interests on the search bar. Plenty of option channels. Choose the matching option that is more suited to your taste and click on it. Then join the channel by tapping on the “JOIN”. 

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How to Find Any Groups on Telegram & Join in 2021

Once you have joined the channel, go to the channel’s profile info and look for the group’s invite link. Click on the invite link and it will direct you to the corresponding group. Check if the group is of your interest and if so then tap on the “Join Group” option. You will be added to the group.

There are also times when you won’t find an invite link to the group directly. In this case, open the channel About page and tap on its menu tab. There may be an option of “View Discussion”. Select this option and it will lead you to the concerned group. Tap on the “Join” displayed below on the screen and this will make you a member of the group.

A possibility of you not directly being added to the group may arise if the group is private. So you will get another link for requesting to join the group to the admin. The group will be automatically shown in your telegram chats if you are approved to join it.

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3. Various links on the web:

You can also find a group through various sources by searching it on the web. There are few sites like Telegram Directory that provide you with a list of all kinds of groups available on telegram. Just type the group name of your interests in the search bar. And it will direct you to the group to join it.

4. Keep a check on the secondary channels of the popular channels: 

there are some channels on Telegram that upload content that is subject to copyright. For example, most of the channels that are uploading the latest movies and web series are always at a risk of getting suspended or removed, because they deal in copyright content. In such cases always look for secondary or standby channels, because as soon as the main channel is suspended, they start uploading content on secondary channels.

Now with the help of the above-suggested directions, you can easily find a group on telegram and feed on group discussions.

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