Get 2GB Free Storage: Baidu is one of the fundamental web administrations organizations in China. Because of its notoriety, Baidu contends with Google. Presently they are putting forth 2 TB for all time free distributed storage space for the duration of the life. The capacity benefit is Baidu Yun or Baidu Cloud which give you boundless transfer speed for transfer and download the information. The inquiry emerges in our mind that why this much monstrous measure of online space as an offer? It is because of China’s distributed storage ‘war,’ that is the reason the specialist organizations offer 10 to 25 TB of storage room as the appreciation for get the clients in their framework.

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Your records are not private or secure all things considered. They may hack, however doesn’t NSA do likewise? Every one of the servers is ordinarily in China; the speed might be slower. In any case, you can simply utilize online change administration to perform transformation on the fly.

In the event that we make a reasonable correlation, the Google Drive is charging $9.99 every month for 1TB of distributed storage space, Dropbox charges $ 9.99 every month, and Microsoft OneDrive 365 expenses $6.99/month for 1TB cloud space. In the event of Baidu Cloud, alongside space permits numerous inventive highlights, as disconnected downloading. Baidu Pan can download any documents by means of BitTorrent, eD2K, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP consequently and exchange it to the Baidu Pan Cloud stockpiling straightforwardly. There is no compelling reason to remain on the web. Indeed, even can play or stream your stuff specifically from the cloud.

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How To Get 2GB Free Storage On Baidu Yun Drive?

Step 1:

First Sign up and create an account on Baidu at ‘’.

In first box Enter email address, in the second password and third write the Captcha. Then click on the blue “Register” button.

Step 2:

A confirmation email is sent to your email-id. By opening the link in the URL, verify your email and complete the registration process.

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Step 3:

Download and install the Baidu Yun app: for android manual installation of APK is required.

For iPhone go the link:

iPad users go to the following link:

Step 4:

Open the Baidu Yun mobile application.

Select blue “Log In” button.

Now sign into the account with the registered email id and password. Then, select the blue rectangle button of “Login.”


Go to the ‘’ to confirm your claim of the additional 2 TB (2048 GB) of cloud storage. Click on the red “Claim 2048G” button. That’s it. Now enjoy your free 2 TB cloud space for free.