Download File for MAC OS X
File for Windows
Files for Linux 32 -Bit, Linux 64 -Bit
1. First, Download Cydia Impactor [ext link] for Mac or Windows PC.
2. Download the .ipa file for the app you want to install.
3. Plug your iOS device into your computer and backup your data.
4. Keeping your device connected, open Cydia Impactor and wait for it to see your device.
5. Open the location where the .ipa file is saved and drag the file, dropping it into the Cydia Impactor Window.
6. You will now see an Apple ID warning so just click on OK .
7. Now input your Apple credentials or Password and click OK again.
8. It is now time for Cydia Impactor to digitally sign the .ipa file and sideload the app onto your iOS device. Don’t touch anything in your device; provided all works OK, the app will be installed onto your iPhone or iPad [ do not launch it at this stage].
9. First, disconnect your iOS device and open Settings.
10. Now tap on General and then on Device Management.
11. Locate the app that has just been side-loaded and tap Trust [ this will allow the certificate to run; if you skip this step, the app will not work ].
12. Exit out of your Settings app, and you can now use the app you installed on your device. In this case it’s Cydia.