Google Chrome is the quickest program in all perspective like perusing, downloading, video watching and substantially more, infrequently you may get a mistake that Google Chrome won’t open by any means, regardless of how frequently you attempt to open it however nothing happens. Whatever you attempted to settle this issue however nothing worked legitimately, you would prefer not to utilize different programs since chrome has your saved integretions, bookmarks and spared passwords. One can likewise import this perusing information yet once you adore chrome you can’t abandon it.

What Steps you have taken to Fix this error?

Have you tried fixing this issue by –

  1. Killing chrome process from task manager ( If this Just happened).
  2.  Ran Malware Scan.
  3.  Rebooted Several times.
  4. Completely Reset Google Chrome.
  5. Re-Installed Chrome?

Be that as it may, all above doesn’t work? At that point you are at the best possible place.

Why Google Chrome Won’t Open?

On the off chance that you have experienced every above advance yet at the same time chrome can’t begin this implies your chrome is influenced by some malware or there is a program which is halting chrome to be dispatch this might be because of Antivirus, outsider Firewall, Firewall introduced by Antivirus OR you have introduced such program which is causing issue with it, fundamentally in such case the ownership for chrome got changed and you can’t begin it from your client account.

As say on Google Chrome Bolster Page, there are 3 Projects which may cause such issue-

  1. Spyware Doctor
  2. Comodo Firewall
  3. McAfee Enterprise

In the event that you have any of above program introduced, at that point cripple such Projects and make an Exemption in Firewall settings for Chrome, now re-empower those program and attempt, likewise have a go at expelling Spyware Specialist, If these doesn’t settle this issue continue beneath.

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How to Fix Google Chrome Won’t Open Error –

If it happens then you have to follow these steps

  1. Kill the Chrome Process from Task manager – Open Task Manager and Kill Every process of Google Chrome

Check that your computer is responding or not, if working then fine and if not working then follow

  1. Reboot Your Computer and check again.
  2. If your computer has another user account then log on to that account and check whether it is working or not, if chrome is working on another user account then first user account got affected, If it doesn’t work on any user account then chrome got affected for all users.

Last Fix to Google Chrome stack error:-

On the off chance that every single above attempt couldn’t resolve this blunder then before Resetting Chrome or Re-introducing it (This may likewise not work) attempt this last Fix it will without a doubt settle this issue.

As composed above Google chrome possession is influenced by some malware or contrary projects we have to recover the proprietorship from same client account, to do as such take after these means –

  1. Go to Shortcut of chromeRight click  on it > Open File Location. You can also open Chrome folder by navigating to Computer > C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application                   OR

C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application  If it is 32 bit OS. Check whether you have 32 or 64 bit OS.

This may also in –  C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application

OR – Just Right click on Google Chrome shortcut and open file location.

2.Now create a new shortcut of chrome application on the desktop. (Right click on chrome and click send to desktop)

  1. Right Click on New Shortcut and Go to Properties.
  2. Go to Securitytab.
  3. Click on Advanced.
  4. Once you click on Advanced option you will get another window named as  Advanced Security Settings. Here Click on Change Option.
  5. After Clicking on Change in owner section, you will get another window to Select User or Group, In the Box below type your USER NAME  (Mine is My Lappy) and Click on Check Names it will turn to COMPUTER NAME/USER NAME   (Mine is like SANDEEP/MY LAPPY) and Click on OK.
  6. Now Go to Effective AccessTab  in Advanced Security Settings, and Click on Select a User
  7. After clicking on Select a user same window of user or group will appear again, type USERname and Click on Check Names again.
  8. Hit OKto it.
  9. Hit Apply / OKon Advance Security Settings Window.
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Hit Apply/alright on Chrome Alternate route – Properties Window. Means Spare all progressions you made.

Presently open Google chrome it will open and work appropriately if not then restart your PC and check. Erase the more established easy route of chrome from Begin menu, Taskbar and Supplant with Changed one.

In the wake of following above advances, you will have the capacity to settle google chrome won’t open mistake and Google chrome will open rapidly and it will fill in of course.

Updated Fix for Google Chrome Not Opening Error

Numerous clients detailed that the last fix “changing chrome possession” is additionally not working for them, for this situation, you can attempt these 2 most recent arrangements

1. Undo Recent Updates

Extraordinary compared to other highlights of Google chrome is that it refresh itself out of sight with no provoke, some of the time an issue happens when chrome attempting to refresh starting with one form then onto the next, and the refresh comes up short which leaves chrome in an unsteady state.

As you can see in above image that chrome has 2 versions into the Application folder 47.0.2526.111 is the older version and 48.0.2564.116 is the latest version.

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Open both folders and check which has less number of files, if the older version has less no. of files then –

Open the newer version’s folder and copy all the subfolders & files and paste them into older version’s folder.

Try to open Google Chrome now.

2.Delete Chrome.dll file

Thanks to Eric Schmidt for this fix, Chrome.dll is a file which contains the various setting for the chrome browser if chrome isn’t opening then delete this chrome.dll file from application folder.

Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application then open chrome version folder, find and delete chrome.dll.  Deleting this DLL file removes all the older settings of google chrome.

This is another solution.

Since this occurs due to malware assault it is encouraged to run a malware examine utilizing great antivirus like Hired gunman Professional, check your framework write, download and introduce Contract killer Master in like manner it will rapidly filter basic zone and erase discovered malware, this antivirus comes free for initial 30 days with full access just you have to enlist for it utilizing your email.

Continuously introduce a decent antivirus program like McAfee Add up to Assurance to keep away from any such issue later on, having a full form of an antivirus give you a true serenity and shield your PC from the distinctive kind of malware and furthermore offers web security.

Or then again you can likewise go for nothing antivirus, these free antivirus programs give you basic security from various PC dangers.

Tell me which method worked for you, on the off chance that you confront any inconvenience amid every single above arrangement at that point remark beneath.

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