- Firstly, download the zip file directly from the following URL: http://www.mediafire.com/file/l24at8ga43sabkr/plugin.video.SportsDevil_NL15-7.zip
- Go to the Kodi home page > Addons > My Addons.
- Now select the ellipses (…) at the top of the menu in the centre of the screen and click on Install from zip file.
- Locate where you saved the zip file downloaded in step 1 and select it. It should be called video.SportsDevil-2017_NL15-7.zip.
- The SportsDevil add-on should now install. Wait for the confirmation message at the top right of the screen to confirm that the addon has been successfully installed. Your SportsDevil add-on should now be accessible from the Video add-ons section of your Add-on menu.