PHP Cheat sheets are awesome assets for engineers. They make it simple to locate the right language structure, charge, or console alternate route that you regularly overlook. Regardless of how great a software engineer you will be, you can`t retain everything.
20 Must Have PHP Cheat Sheet for Every Developers
PHP Cheat Sheet by Dave Child [www, png, pdf]
PHPUnit Cheat Sheet [www, PNG, PDF, SlideShare]
Printable PHP security agenda by sk89q [www, pdf]
Speedy Reference Chart [www, pdf]
PHP Reference Sheet Basics by Programming and web advancement group [www, pdf]
PHP Cheat Sheet with unique PHP punctuation [www, html]
PHP 4 Quick Reference Card by Steven R. Gould [www, pdf, ps, tex]
PHP cheat sheet by Daniel Dev [pdf, png]
PHP Cheat Sheet with unique PHP punctuation [ html]
Smarty cheat sheet for format fashioners [pdf, gif]
Apple’s PHP Cheat Sheet [www,]
Beginning with Integrating PHP and Flex by Marco Tabini [pdf]
Adobe® ColdFusion Web Services for PHP Programmers by Marco Tabini [pdf]
PHPUnit: PHP Test-Driven Development Automated Tools to Improve Your PHP Code Quality by Giorgio Sironi [pdf]
Live Cheatsheet from OverAPI [Website]
Snappy Reference PHP Cheatsheet [pdf]
WordPress PHP Cheatsheet [jpg]
PHP Cheatsheets [Website]
PHP Help Cheatsheets [Website]