You agreed to accept the Windows 10 update, yet now that the bits are prepared, you’re experiencing some sudden nerves. I get it. In any case, there’s one little issue: Your Windows 7 or 8.1 machine won’t introduce any updates until the point that you introduce Windows 10. Windows Update may state, “Your move up to Windows 10 is prepared,” and in the event that you check for updates, you get “Windows Update can’t right now check for updates, on the grounds that you should first restart the PC so a past establishment can be finished.”
I’ve been playing around with this issue for two or three weeks, ran it through twelve analyzers on, and feel that possibly – perhaps – this approach may work. If it’s not too much trouble test it. The most noticeably bad that’ll happen is you’ll wind up similarly situated, following 20 minutes to an hour of issue, for which I apologize.
“Your upgrade to Windows 10 is ready” How to cancel it?
Stage 1. Hold up until the point when you have an extra hour. This regards do before you take off to a gathering, to lunch, or toward the finish of the workday.
Stage 2. Kill Automatic Update. Go into Windows Update (in Win7, utilizing a manager level record, click Start, Control Panel, and afterward System and Security; in Win8.1, while taking a gander at the out-dated Windows work area, hold down the Windows key and press X, at that point pick Control Panel, System and Security). Under Windows Update, pick this setting: “Check for updates yet let me pick whether to download or introduce them.”
Stage 3. Conceal the updates, in the event that you can. In Windows Update, click Show every single Available Update. On the off chance that you see a section for Upgrade to Windows 10 (a considerable lot of you won’t), right-tap on Upgrade to Windows 10 and pick Hide Update.
Stage 4. Erase the establishment records. In File Explorer, right-tap on your C drive and pick Disk Cleanup. At the point when Explorer surfaces for oxygen, tap the container stamped Clean up System documents. At the point when the rundown shows up, check the crate stamped Temporary Installation Files (it’ll be enormous – 5.8GB or something like that). Snap OK. There’s a message that says “Are you certain you need to for all time erase?” Click Delete Files. Hold up … what’s more, hold up … quietly. Keep in mind, this is Windows.
Stage 5. Dispose of the GWX (Get Windows X) patches. Back in Control Panel, Add or Remove programs, on the left snap View introduced updates. Search for KB 2952664 (likely on Win7 frameworks) and KB 2976978 (likely on Win 8.1). Likewise search for KB 3035583 (both Win7 and Win 8.1). On the off chance that you discover any of them (imply: tap the section going to sort in order), tap on it, and snap Uninstall. (t/h EP)
Stage 6. Reboot. Windows will incite you to reboot. Do it. What’s more, pause. Also, pause. It might take a hour to reboot.
Stage 7. For all time handicap the GWX patches. The moment you’ve rebooted, backpedal in to Windows Update and “shroud” KB 2952664, KB 2976978, as well as KB 3035583. To shroud them, run Search for Updates, right-tap on the section and pick Hide. (t/h CT)
Stage 8. For good fortunes, reboot once more. That presumably isn’t important, yet it’ll murder off any procedure that supposes it ought to download the Windows 10 establishment documents.